


Standard Sizes: 20”, 24”, 30” & 36” Diameters

Optional Sizes: 42”, 48”, 54” & 60” Diameters and any rectangular size

All sizes are available in both top and side configurations.

Belding Tank’s thoughts on when a manway is needed:

Open Top Tanks:

  • If the tank is small enough and you can reach the bottom without having to get inside, no side manway is required.
  • If you can provide a ladder inside and outside for easy and safe access, no side manway is required.
  • Belding Tank would strongly recommend a side manway in all other circumstances.

Closed Top and Horizontal Tanks:

  • Belding Tank includes a top manway with every closed top and horizontal tank.
    • 20” diameter is standard on 60” diameter and smaller tanks and 24” diameter on all larger diameter tanks.
  • If you can provide a ladder inside and outside for easy and safe access, the top manway alone will work, no side manway is required.
  • To insert a standard extension ladder inside a tank, as a minimum, a 24” manway is required.
  • Head room. Do you have enough space to get a ladder in and out through a top manway? If not, a side manway would be the best solution.
  • Do you have a mixer in the tank? We recommend both a top and side manway for this application. Most moving parts require some sort of regular maintenance or repair. You also must consider head room. Is there the space to get the shaft and impellers in the tank through a top manway? A side manway helps to resolve any issues that may arise for either circumstance.

Safety. Safety. Safety.

  • You’re dealing with a confined space. For that reason, Belding Tank recommends a Side Manway on all tanks with a straight side length of 120” (10’) or more. We guarantee that the maintenance personnel will thank you.

Optional Features:

Bolts and gasket.

  • Optional for all top manways and standard for all side manways.
  • Belding Tank’s standard is T-316 stainless steel for bolt sets and EPDM gasket.
  • Other materials are available upon request or product requirements.

Hinged covers.

  • We offer a single and double hinge for top manways and double hinge for side manways upon request.

Top manway with quick release clamps.

  • Hinged cover with quick release clamps for quick and easy access without the use of tools.

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